
portraits of ramona

these are my latest polaroids, the last two shots of my last roll.
i'm thinking of splurging on some 600 before it's gone...

ramona plays her homemade didgeridoo.

ramona and alexis sit on the stoop.


labor day

labor day adventure to marin county.
ramona let me drive the camera on this sunny day. . .

car trouble? diana climbs a tree in the background as clio and ramona assess the situation.

beach snack.


ramona and diana. baywatch babes.

ramona and clio. stinson beach.


the new digs

a month ago i moved to oakland, california to start film school at san francisco state university. since i have no digital camera and i cant afford polaroid film i havent had any material with which to update my blog.
but my dear friend and new housemate, ramona, has a digital camera and took these photos of our new home.
this is where i live: