
head in the clouds

mission street. san francisco, ca.

tenth street. oakland, ca.


children's fairyland. for children only.

fairyland, right here in oakland, happens to be one of my old childhood stompin grounds. but things have changed since the early 90s. now you must be accompanied by a child to gain entrance into the park. i assume this is to dissuade pedophiles and other creepazoids. but what about twenty-somethings who just want to live out their youth once more? anyway, the sign is as far as we got...


before the rain came

friday and saturday felt like summer in february; sunny and warm.
me and the housemates spent friday afternoon hanging out on the
stoop looking at moss and dirt through a magnifying glass.


the conversation

morning coffee. deep thought.


book nook

the little ledge on our front porch is the perfect place
for reading on a rainy day.


tp run

this little old ice cream truck sits just a few blocks away from our home here in oakland. i always walk past it thinking i should bring my camera out to take a photo. here's an attempt at capturing its glory.

also with this photo i decided to do a little post production altering of the image, something i never do. what do you think? looks good? or am i an obvious impostor?



the west oakland bart at sunset.

love's travel stop on the drive down to l.a.

my house, the truck and marcia.



photo by renny mccauley

carrie elzey on the set of FLAT


lunch break

the cast and crew breaks for lunch on day two.


gillian & sadie

photo by terrie samundra

scenery samundra & carrie elzey on the set of FLAT


ladder shot

to get a serious high angle shot of the long, empty road
my amazing director of photography,marcia ong,
rigged the camera to a 12ft ladder.
here mackenzie passes a lens to marcia.


sisters on set

scenery samundra who starred in my short as
gillian, a young woman on the road.

terrie samundra, my amazing producer.


movie magic

the crew of 'flat' gathers around our star, scenery, at the wheel.

well i finally wrapped production on my first year film. it was an amazing shoot; i couldn't have asked for a better time. we drove out to esparto, ca early on friday morning, shot all day and then spent the night before another full day of shooting on saturday. we did a lot of really tricky things including car mount shots, a high angle ladder shot and four beautiful dolly shots. i'll be headed to LA on sunday for my telecine when i'll finally see everything we shot.

the best thing about the whole experience was working with a dedicated, hard working crew. everyone was so great and so fun to have on set. i couldnt have pulled it off without them.
a big thanks to everyone: terrie, marcia, nicki, angie, bethynia, mackenzie, renny, pio, tanner and my incredible actors scenery and carrie. you are all wonderful!

and somehow i managed to take some polaroids on set. there are many more to come as well as some production stills taken by my many amazing crew members...