
day trips with allison

both last week and this week allison and i were able to escape the office for a little day trip adventure time. last week we spent about an hour at city ranch, an abandoned ranch in alamosa that has since been turned into a nice trail. there are some old barns still on the property which were fun to explore.

here allison explores an abandoned barn. a
left-behind arm chair looms in the foreground.

if you know me you know i love wrecked vehicles
left to the mercy of earth. here, an old car is
eaten by weeds.

the next week we went on a long drive through the spanish peaks. we saw the towns of la veta, cuchara, trinidad and walsenburg. below are some highlight photos.

we took a detour up some mountains to see the
mysterious bear lake. we found it and fell in love.
this little lake is seriously hidden and serene.
allison collected rose hips while i took photos.

and last, on our drive we came upon a dense
aspen grove on the side of the road. it was
one of the few roadside vistas that was not
guarded by barbed wire or fencing. we took
the opportunity to nestle ourselves amongst
the trees and stare at the sky. aspen trees
in autumn are amazing; blindingly bright
and towering.


Desiree said...

That last picture is just shockingly beautiful. I can't stop staring at it.

Anonymous said...

These pictures remind me, draw me, recall this poem by Rilke, so allow me to share it with you, as you have so generously shared these images. --isabelle


Ich bin wie eine Fahne von Fernen umgeben
Ich ahne die Winde, die kommen, und muss sie leben,
Waehrend die Dinge unten sich noch nicht ruehren:
Die Tueren schliessen noch sanft, und in den Kaminen ist Stille;
die Fenster zittern noch nicht, und der Staub ist noch schwer.

Da wiess ich die Stuerme und bin erregt wie das Meer.
Und briete mich aus und falle in mich hinein
und werfe mich ab und bin ganz allein
in dem grossen Sturm.

Sense of Something Coming

I am like a flag in the center of open space.
I sense ahead the wind which is coming, and must live it through,
while the things of the world still do not move:
the doors still close softly, and the chmneys are full of silence,
the windows do not rattle yet, and the dust still lies down.

I already know the storm, and I am as troubled as the sea.
I leap out, and fall back,
and throw mystelf out, and am absolutely alone
in the great storm.