
may day party

on friday afternoon allison and aaron threw the most wonderful may day celebration in honor of spring and the coming of may. the party was complete with music, food, facepainting (run by yours truly) and the ceremonious may pole dance. it was such a beautiful afternoon.
here are some highlight photos of the event. i have some great polaroids coming up, too.

eric smiles as the may pole comes together.

allison looks off as the may pole dance comes to an end. notice her magical face paint.

erin & kate.

friends weave amongst each other as the sun sets over alamosa.

the completed may pole.

ben and kendra admire the may pole in the last moments of daylight.

1 comment:

thingsthatdontexist said...

i'm glad you got these pictures. seeing them, i want to shoot myself for not taking a video camera.

i love all the pictures (especially allison looking to the right), but for once i think the digitals are better. probably because they were taken closer to sunset.