
let's draw a polaroid! part duh

i've learned a lot in the past couple weeks. about myself, my journey and the road ahead. i've learned that i can't draw people to save my life, so im practicing, and trying to develop my own style. i've learned that to appreciate the freedom and solitude i currently hold i need to stop thinking about every moment ahead and enjoy the moments i have now. i've also learned that grad school is possibly the scariest thing in the world and that's okay.
i've passed the six month mark of my time here in alamosa. so far it's been a wild ride. sometimes i can't handle the small town day to day but most of the time i love it. im in the midst of figuring out what's next in my life. i've already received a rejection from berkeley. c'est la vie. while my ego is bruised i am able to see this news as a step forward. all in all my life is good and exciting and bright.
anyway, im committing myself to a completed drawing a day, just to discipline myself to practice and get better in all i do. below are some recent 'roid drawings:

may 2007. ink and prismacolor on bristol.

this isnt by any means a completed drawing but i wanted to share it because im kinda in love with this portrayal of john wayne. the polaroid sketch is kinda, sketchy. it's all about the wayne. john wayne.

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