
dancing and day trips

this morning it is quite foggy in alamosa, colorado. my bike ride to work felt like something out of a halloween movie, ominous and slightly dangerous. the train tracks here don't have stop lights or any such precaution. so if you can't see it you better hope you can hear it. oh, alamosa, how i love you and your small town ways. this place is seriously awesome. there are so many adventures to be had and scenery to enjoy. or you can just check out oklahoma from the public library and eat pizza with your housemates (last night's activity). never a dull moment. always a good time.
hanging out with my housemates and the other volunteers is my number one favorite activity. everyone is so laid back and fun to be around. not too long ago kate, will and i topped off a (big) bottle of wine and dove into an impromptu bluegrass dance party. below is one of my favorite shots. i believe i was attempting a jazz step. will is just cutting it up.

my schedule gives me a friday/saturday weekend which i share with my housemate katie. this past friday we took a daytrip to taos, new mexico, an enchanting town just an hour and a half southeast of alamosa. the sun was shining and the air was crisp. we had a great time walking downtown and exploring.
below are some shots from our adventure.

a wild tree outside the taos pueblo.

two beautiful and friendly horses we met along the way.

on the way back to alamosa we stopped to check out the rio
grande gorge, a giant chasm of the earth. this is the bridge above
it where many folks stop to soak in awe.

el rio at the bottom of the gorge.

the gorge with mountains in the background. how can something
so massive and so beautiful exist? and it's right here in our
amazing country. i love america. i love the west. so fucking rad.

p.s. all digital shots this time around because my polaroid camera, the whale, has passed away. just as i went to take a shot of that crazy tree the whale failed to deliver leaving me desperate and disappointed. im in the process of acquiring a new one as i cannot live without my 'roid fix.

the whale. r.i.p. 199somethin - 2007

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